LIH Chorus Main Blk1 scaled

Who We Are

The Long Island Harmonizers is a group of some 20+ men who sing four-part a cappella in the barbershop style both for our own enjoyment and to entertain our audiences.  We are the Nassau Mid-Island Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society, the largest chapter on Long Island, and will soon be celebrating our 71st anniversary. 

Our chorus and quartets perform in the community, at hospitals, civic and charity events and we produce an annual show to support our activities.  Our repertoire ranges from traditional barbershop to  songs from the Great American Songbook to Elton John. 

Contact us to learn more about the chorus or join us at a weekly rehearsal.

Check the Events page for free concerts near you. 

The chorus performed a Noontime Concert at Eisenhower Park.  Read the Sea Cliff Herald’s coverage here

See some video excerpts of our Christmas concert at the Uniondale Library.  Read the coverage by the Uniondale Herald.

Listen to the chorus sing Christmas Chopsticks

The chorus recently performed at the Bristal Assisted Living in North Hills. See some video clips of our performance here

The Long Island Harmonizers chorus was featured in Senior Life magazine.  Check out the details in Chorus News.


• West Islip Library, Mar 16th, 2p
• Oceanside Library, June 16th, TBA
• Atria Richmond Hill, June 20th, 2p
• Atria Richmond Hill, Aug 21th, 2p
• Atria Richmond Hill, Oct 18th, 2p

Check the Events page for more details and join us to hear great a cappella music.

Consider booking the chorus for your next event. 

We have an open invitation for new singers to join.  No musical experience is necessary, only the ability to carry a tune and a desire to have fun.  Perfect your skills and have fun learning and performing a cappella music with other men who enjoy singing as much as you.

Weekly rehearsals every Tuesday from 7:30 to 9:30p.

Did you know that April 11th has been designated National Barbershop Quartet Day.? But any day is a great day to join a chorus and sing in a quartet!